This website is owner Digital Millennium Copyright Act DMCA. All information contained in this site is the exclusive property of Forex Cashpower Indicator Company , therefore, they can not be copied, extracted. Personal and private Images, texts and any information inside this Website copyright owner Registred in Google, Dmca and Lumen data base arhieves cannot be used on other sites.
_Forex Cashpower Indicator Campany Copyright Infringement Takedown Policy and instructions_
🛑Warning: Any inaproprieted & unauthorized activity use of our images, files, texts and any imitation fake content of old version discarded and outdated that delay some candles in the Signals, will result in the opening a DMCA Takedown #case form reporting the Main website link address to websites or Telegram Link (Channel or Group) with the Host Provider. Firstly, the website or link will be banned from Google's indexing through the Technology Fraud report Google Form. in a second order, inside the dmca form, this could result in the complete loss of the main page website, after opening a copyright process with Dmca that will contact the host provider of the website that violates laws 9.610/98. ( All work on this site follows copyright rules and guidelines and any action is based on copyright laws that safeguard creators of online content, respecting consumer laws ).*

This page serves as a prior notice, that it is not necessary in infrigement cirscumstance to any contact before requesting the removal of the infringing page from Air with HOSTPROVIDER once the violation is characterized and since all official notice is available and announced on this page.".
Below are TAKEDOWNS Examples of Websites, Bloggers ( google ), Blogs and telegram Groups channels that have had their Main Pages removed from the Air for infringing registred copyright. ( This message again serves to officially warn any intention of illegal practice of unauthorized use of this website ).
* For Telegram Channels/Groups piracy copyright infringement : Main Channel or group "can" be deletec directly with Telegram company without previous Notice.
* For Websites copyright infringement : The main address of the Website "can"be removed in its entirety with Hostprovider without prior notice.
* For Ebay, Shopify & another ecommercy plataforms copyright infringement : the Ad will be deleted by the ecommerce platform, and may run the risk of having the entire store deleted for violating the platform's term of use standards.
* For Bloggers ( Google ) & Blogs ( Wordpress etc ) copyright infringement : The stolen content page go to takedown with company Hostprovider and may run the risk of having the entire main page blog deleted for violating the platform's term of use standards.
* For YOUTUBE ( Warning) Copyright Infringed on Youtube with the use of Cashpower content, the video will be immediately removed by Youtube through the Copyright Infringement Report Form within YouTube. The Channel may be harmed and have monetization blocked or removed.

Direct channels for reporting abuse and copyright laws:

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PS: Original, Official & LEGITIMATE Tool with Genuine Signals & configurations is Available only within this official Website made available by our Official Company CashPower Team indicator with Copyright Recerved Act by DMCA. This is one Restricted Indicator with controlled and protected distribuition by our Professional support Team. Due to its advanced protection it cannot be reproduced
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Through this partnership, the company Cashpower legally offers authorization for the disclosure and resale of our indicator. Authorized use of images and texts in: FOREX STORES, BLOGS and etc. They are free of Takedowns. We offer to the market for all those interested the opportunity to be part of Company Cashpower, where you can have a new earning opportunity with no monthly limits. All our material can be used on all internet channels. CLICK HERE TO KNOW HOW TO JOIN
Takedown Notification Under the DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998
On behalf of the Forex Cashpower Indicator company and as the representative and copyright author of this company Represented By Advanced Trade Safe Digital Market Solutions.
This is a notice pursuant to Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) requesting that you cease to provide access to the copyrighted material shown below. A website hosted by your company (according to WHOIS information) is infringing on such copyrighted material that is owned by our company.
This is a notice pursuant to Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) requesting that you cease to provide access to the copyrighted material shown below. A website hosted by your company (according to WHOIS information) is infringing on such copyrighted material that is owned by our company.
The following statement with compliance details has been selected as Forex Cashpower Indicator Company option for handling copyright or content ownership infringements. This policy statement does not constitute or replace Forex Cashpower Indicator Company Terms of Use, Terms of Service, Terms and Conditions, Acceptable Use Agreement or any other terms referenced or published on this website or others owned by Forex Cashpower Indicator Company. Nor does this policy act as a replacement of the stipulations, condition and the site owner's obligations under the copyright laws of the country in which the Forex Cashpower Indicator Company is registered.
Below is an edited version for brevity and ease of finding specific action instructions related to processing Copyright Infringement (DMCA) Takedowns for this specific website.
Forex Cashpower Indicator Company follows the process prescribed below to remove claimed content copyright infringement. Upon receipt of notice as prescribed below, Forex Cashpower Indicator Company will remove or request that a third party remove Content from the Forex Cashpower Indicator Company website that infringes the copyright of others and to the extent we are able to do so we will disable access to our Service by anyone who repeatedly infringes the intellectual property rights of others. Forex Cashpower Indicator Company processes claims of copyright infringement in accordance to the laws of the jurisdiction of the corporation related to Forex Cashpower Indicator Company as detailed within terms of use, terms of service, Acceptable Use Agreement or any other terms referenced or published on this website.
This site is operated by: Forex Cashpower Indicator Company
DMCA Address:280 Madison Avenue 9th Floor, New York, New York, 10016
DMCA Email Address:protectionpro@dmca.com

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CASHPOWER DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act